New Essay Collection
Coming July 2023

Chainsaws and Cherry Burls

With humor and a keen sense of appreciation for the beauty of a fading flower petal and the swollen belly of a well-fed leech, Jennifer Neves’s essays pull readers from one boundary of her 42-acre farm to the next. From the trickle of winter melt in a muddy streambed to the catch and release of a family of skunks, Neves’s essays never fail to make the case for rural life. The roots of her family cannot be detangled from those of the cherry tree or the trillium flower, and Neves playfully investigates why this might be so. Her words invite the reader to share in self-discovery, in reverence for the land, and in the sometimes quiet, but most often astonishingly loud business of raising a handful of feral children.

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Praise for Chainsaws and Cherry Burls

Chainsaws and Cherry Burls is both humorous and heartfelt. Jennifer Neves expertly shares her vulnerabilities while keeping readers on edge with chaos and comedy. From the wild charades of motherhood to a dreamscape shrouded by grief, Neves’s essays inspire readers to breathe deep and pay attention to the beauty all around us.

Peter McGraw, co-author of The Humor Code and founder of the Humor Research Lab

“Humorous, homespun and honest observations on rural family life. I will never look at a leech the same way again.”

Chris Van Dusen, award winning Maine author and illustrator

“An enjoyable peek into a chaotic but wildly fascinating family and their life on a farm in rural Maine. This smart and loving group captures our interest in the same way the natural world captures theirs. Filled with hilarious escapades, these pages depict the land teaching both parents and rambunctious children about its deeply held secrets. In a time when transience abounds, this charming family’s rootedness to a place inspires, as does their devotion to each other. Prepare to be awed as you explore with this relatable lot.”

Linda MacKillop, author of The Forgotten Life of Eva Gordon and Hotel Oscar Mike Echo

“While reading Jennifer Neves’ Chainsaws and Cherry Burls, I fell in love with her family. Her husband and baby, her children, all of them, actually, one at a time, and, of course, with Jennifer and her wide-open amazing world. This family’s Maine farm life is busy, wonderful, chaotic, hard, and lovely. It’s a life of challenge, experiment, and thoughtfulness. This collection creates a tapestry of connection that explores family, nature, and an evolving relationship between the two. Neves writes with humor, compassion, and tenderness about the days that unfold on 42 acres of orchard and woodland. Leeches, mice, skunks, and madcap adventures coalesce to form a portrait of a family that adores each other and the land. There is beauty in each burl and book read at night to each child. I loved every single word.”

Jessica Barksdale Inclán, author of What the Moon Did and Trick of the Porch Light

Jennifer Neves

© Jennifer Neves. All rights reserved.